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Product Catalog

Better Chef Portable 14 in. Charcoal Barbecue Grill
Model: BBQ414

Condition: New


The Better Chef 14 in. Portable Charcoal Barbecue Grill offers the perfect solution for all your on-the-go grilling needs. This compact

little grill is lightweight and easy to transport but still offers over 150 square inches of grilling space, enough to grill for the entire family or the carload at the big game. The firebox is enamel coated giving it strength and durability to survive the harshest grilling conditions. The dual venting system helps control the heat so you can cook slow and low or up high at searing hot temperatures. For added convenience, the lid is secured and the ash tray is easily accessible for quick clean-up. This Grill is perfect for sporting events, camping, outdoor grilling, picnics or any special occasion!

Retails Online: $44.99

Weight: 6 lb