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MegaChef 12 Inch Round Preseasoned Cast Iron Frying Pan in Black
Model: MCCI-1210

Condition: New


The Megachef 12 inch round preseasoned cast iron frying pan is perfect for preparing your every day family meals. The 12in

diameter and 2.25in depth makes this cast iron pan versatile and great for multiple applications- from sauteing vegetables to pan-roasting chicken to searing steaks and more. Cast iron construction is ideal for even heating, making your dishes consistent (oven safe up to 500F). Features include a hanging hole on handle that offers storage options, and pour spouts at the sides that are convenient for draining meat juices and pouring sauces. Preseasoned coating prevents rust while sitting in storage and means you can get to cooking right away!

Retails Online: $39.99

Weight: 9 lb